Thursday 5 July 2012

Home Remedies For Treating Pimples

Believe it or not, your skin is your largest organ of your entire body. Keeping it clear and healthy can be a daunting task, especially at stressful times. We all know that pimples are ugly and frustrating. So, let’s discuss some ways on how to treat pimples and get clearer, healthier looking skin.

1. Honey Mask
We eat honey, but many people don’t know that you can use honey to treat pimples. Honey contains a lot of anti-oxidants and anti-bacterial components. It even has anti inflammatory benefits, which is an excellent for treating pimples.
Not only that, honey is a good moisturizer.
While there are several recipes to creating honey mask, the easiest way is to apply just honey directly.

  2. Baking Soda

Need an exfoliate method? Baking soda works like a exfoliate to remove dead skin cells, a cause of pimple formation.

Mix baking soda with a little water and gently with circular motions, rub into the skin.

3. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera has been around a long time. Why? Because it simply works. For acne, it can help reduce redness, swelling, and inflammation.
Rub aloe vera gel onto the affected area once or twice daily.

4. Cucumbers
Cucumbers contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients. Some include Vitamin A, C, and E. Another good element of cucumbers is that they contain amino acids. Some research show that cucumbers can possibly speed up anti-acne action of reducing pimples.
secondly, other possible anti acne benefits, cucumbers help reduce free radicals, a leading cause of premature aging.
You can either eat cucumbers to get the benefits or make a cucumber mask.

5. Lemon Juice
Lemons contain a disinfectant properties that can destroy acne causing bacteria and help reduce pimples. Putting a little on the infected area can work great. Beware that stinging will probably occur when on contact and if irritation occurs, wash off immediately.

6. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is, by far, the most known remedy for acne. It’s very popular and known to treat zits. Even though few studies have been conducted, people still love using it and say it works. so, if nothing works, tea tree oil may be something you want to try.

7. Water
This one is probably the most important element in healthy skin care. Water is vital in every aspect in life. We need it to stay alive and it hold a variety of benefits important to the body. Some people believe water is a cure for acne. That is absolutely not true. That is a misconception most people have. Water can help getting and maintaining healthy skin, but not a cure.


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